Laker began as a series of conversations between two friends, David Caon and Henry Wilson. With different approaches to the business of design, Caon and Wilson found common ground in the objects they are drawn to and the design philosophies they share.

Your bag is empty

Coink 1


Coink 2


Coink 3


Coink 4


Coink 5


Coink 6


Coink 7


Born of an effort to teach a child the value of money and the nostalgia of the objects of our past. Coink evolves from an educational toy to, once heavy with coins, an ornamental book end. A piggy bank.

The product is sand-cast in aluminium and rumble finished. Irregularities and imperfections to the surface are to be expected. This product will age and patina over time.

Design : David Caon & Henry Wilson 2021


Coink Coink Coink Coink Coink Coink Coink
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